Development of Application-Based BioSik (Biologi Asik) Learning Media Android Use Power Point for Class X High School Biology Learning Material the Animal


  • Wardah Universitas PGRI Kalimantan Author
  • Rezky Nefianthi Universitas PGRI Kalimantan Author
  • Nana Citrawati Lestari Universitas PGRI Kalimantan Author


application android, the animal, biosik, biology learning media, development


Technological developments are increasingly rapid, making the world of education have to adapt. Changes in behavior and lifestyle influenced by technology create various positive and negative impacts. The negative impact felt in the world of education is students' dependence on gadgets/cellphones, apart from that, unwise use creates challenges for teachers in creating new innovations so that the learning process becomes more fun than playing gadget/cell phone in the
classroom. So researchers conducted research on application-based media development android
use power point for class X learning material the animal The aim is to develop valid, practical and
effective learning media to support students' learning process. This research is research Research
& Development (R&D) using the ADDIE model which consists of the processes of Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. The development went through 3 stages, namely validity testing, practicality testing, and effectiveness testing which was carried out at SMA PGRI 6 Banjarmasin (Trial 1) and SMA PGRI 1 Banjarmasin (Trial 2). The results of the media validity test carried out by five expert validators were 4.0, namely in the "Valid" category, while the results of the teacher respondents' practicality test in trial 1 was 3.6 in the "Practical" category and in trial 2 it was 5.0 with the "Very Practical" category, then for student respondents at SMA PGRI 6 Banjarmasin (31 people) it was 4.0 with the "Practical" category, the results of the practicality test at SMA PGRI 1 Banjarmasin (20 people) were 4.2 with the category " Practical"and the results of the media effectiveness test showed that the percentage in trial 1 of the first meeting was 78%, in the second meeting it was 79% in the "Effective" category, while in trial 2 the percentage was 86% in the first meeting and at the second meeting 91% were included in the "Effective" category.




How to Cite

Development of Application-Based BioSik (Biologi Asik) Learning Media Android Use Power Point for Class X High School Biology Learning Material the Animal (Wardah, Rezky Nefianthi, & Nana Citrawati Lestari , Trans.). (2025). Lentera: Jurnal Ilmiah Kependidikan -- Edisi Khusus ISETA, 19(2), 205-212.