The Students’ Strategies in Solving Listening Difficulties in Fourth Semester Strudents’ of English Language Education Study Program At Universitas PGRI Kalimantan
Listening, Difficulties, StrategiesAbstract
Listening ability is an important aspect that must be mastered by students’, and based on preliminary studies it was found that there were difficulties in listening to English experienced by students’ in the English Language Education Study Program at University of PGRI Kalimantan. Therefore, this research aims to find out what listening difficulties and strategies fourth-semester students’ use to solve difficulties in listening. This research uses a descriptive design with a qualitative approach. This research analyzes the data to describe students’ strategies in solving listening difficulties. The data collection method is through questionnaires and interviews. The data analysis is done through data reduction, data display, and drawing verifying conclusions. The most common listening difficulties experienced by students’ in the fourth-semester students’ of English Language Education Study Program at University of PGRI Kalimantan are listening difficulties related to speaking rate. Most students’ used cognitive strategy to deal with listening difficulties. In this strategy, students’ do exercises by using a dictionary or reference source, taking notes, and summarizing.