Exploring the Challenges of Small Group Discussions in Eighth-Grade Writing Instruction
Small group discussion, Writing Instructions, English teacherAbstract
English language teaching often incorporates various pedagogical approaches to teach language proficiency. Among these approaches, small group discussions have been one of methods due to their potential for fostering interactive learning environments. However, implementing small group discussions in classroom settings has challenges, particularly for English teacher. This study explores the challenges faced by English teacher when implementing small group discussions especially at SMPN 3 Gunung Bintang Awai, aiming to shed light on the factors influencing the successful integration of this teaching method. The research methodology employed in this study involves a combination of observation and interviews. Observations are conducted during English classes where small group discussions are being implemented. The researcher observes the dynamics of the classroom environment, focusing on the interactions between the teacher and
students, as well as identifying any challenges encountered by the teacher in facilitating effective group discussions. Additionally, interviews are conducted with the English teacher to gather insights into their experiences, perceptions, and strategies in implementing small group discussions. After following several steps, including observation, interviews, and data analysis, it was found that there are indeed several challenges faced by English teacher when implementing small group discussions in the eighth grade at SMPN 3 Gunung Bintang Awai. The challenges are; difficulty in forming group, off-topic discussion, classroom management issue, and managing student participation. There are also some suggestions, for the English teachers: should prepare materials for small group discussions in writing classes, create a comfortable, interactive atmosphere, and support students; for students: should cooperate, focus, and participate actively; for future researchers: be able to use this study as a guide for similar research in writing field.