Reinforcement of the Pancasila Learner Profile Character in South Kalimantan Elementary Schools
The strategy of forming a Pancasila Learner Profile is a way to shape or build students'
character by the values of Pancasila. This study aimed to determine and describe the teacher's strategy in forming the Pancasila Learner Profile in class IV Elementary School in 2023. This
research was qualitative descriptive research. The subjects of this study were two teachers and six
grade IV students. Data collection techniques were carried out through interviews, observation, and
documentation. Data analysis techniques were conducted by data reduction (data reduction), data
presentation (data display), and data conclusion (verification). Data validity testing utilized source
triangulation. The results showed that teachers used the strategy of forming the Pancasila Student
Profile in the form of regulations and implementation of habituation. Regulations are carried out in
the form of class clean-up duty, ceremonial activities, wearing Sasirangan uniforms and eating
together on Thursday morning. Habituation was divided into two: routine habituation and spontaneous habituation. Routine habituation carried out in the form of collecting garbage every
morning, reciting prayers before and after learning, performing Zuhur prayers, Friday Taqwa, performing Dhuha prayers, reciting Asmaul Husna, respecting parents, handshaking by blessing the
teacher's hand, using recycled goods, doing community service, actively asking questions, and
working in groups, whereas for spontaneous habituation that was carried out, including: Disposing
of garbage properly, picking up garbage, behaving honestly, making friends with anyone, helping others, and contributing to social funds