Fractional Lempeng Media Development for IV Class Students


  • Anisa Munawarah Universitas PGRI Kalimantan Author
  • Rahmita Yuliana Gazali Universitas PGRI Kalimantan Author
  • Winda Agustina Universitas PGRI Kalimantan Author


development, media, fraction lempeng


Fractions are one of the materials that are prone to misunderstandings because most students do not understand the concept of fractions. Lack of students' understanding of the concept of fractions is due to the not maximizing the making of learning media which is designed simply and with makeshift materials. As the results of observations, it was found that the learning media for fraction pizza puzzles made by students were only limited to origami paper which was cut into 8 parts and then pasted on cardboard covered with cardboard paper. So that the media can only display one concept of ordinary fraction examples with the same denominator and cannot be modified for other denominator fractions. From the statement of the homeroom teacher for IV Class, it is known that there is no use of learning media for fraction of material in the class. The purpose of this study was to determine the feasibility of Fractional Lempeng Media for IV Class students in terms of validity, practicability, and effectiveness. The type of research conducted is development research (Research & Development/R&D). The development model used is the ADDIE model with 5 stages, namely Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. The \ test subjects in this study were students of SDN Karang Mekar 4 IV Class with a total of 27 students. Data collection instruments used were validation sheets, student response questionnaires, and evaluation tests. The data analysis technique used is the average score and percentage. This research produces a product, namely Fractional Lempeng Media for IV Class students. The results showed that the media developed obtained valid, very practical and effective criteria. So that this Fractional Lempeng Media is suitable for use in learning




How to Cite

Fractional Lempeng Media Development for IV Class Students (Anisa Munawarah, Rahmita Yuliana Gazali, & Winda Agustina , Trans.). (2025). Lentera: Jurnal Ilmiah Kependidikan -- Edisi Khusus ISETA, 19(2), 23-29.