Investigating Media Usage of Pre-Service Teachers during Microteaching Practices in TEYL Class

  • Hj. Jumainah Hj. Jumainah STKIP PGRI Banjarmasin
  • Wulida Makhtuna STKIP PGRI Banjarmasin


This study was carried out to investigate how Elementary School pre-service teachers used instructional media in TEYL class. The investigation was conducted to reveal perspectives of both lecturer and pre-service teachers related to challenges in using instructional media for microteaching practices. The challenges were discussed in the light of pedagogical aspects and non-pedagogical ones. The method of this research was a case study as this research was particularly targeted for the TEYL class of Elementary Teachers Education Program at STKIP PGRI Banjarmasin. The data were obtained through observations and interviews. The results of this study suggested that based on the lecturer's perspective, there were five challenges related to the use of Media in TEYL microteaching practices. These challenges were (1) the lack of understanding regarding the importance of media, (2) low English proficiency, (3) low creativity, (4) low motivation, and (5) limited time allotment. Furthermore, based on pre-service teachers' perspective, four issues related to the usage of media were found. These issues were (1) low English proficiency, (2) high cost in developing media, (3) burden from other subjects, and (4) confidence issues.

How to Cite
Hj. Jumainah, H. J., & Makhtuna, W. (2022). Investigating Media Usage of Pre-Service Teachers during Microteaching Practices in TEYL Class. Lentera: Jurnal Ilmiah Kependidikan -- Edisi Khusus ISETA, 163-168.
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